Sunday, December 29, 2019

Analysis Of The Poem Second Child And Maria Branswell ...

Biographical Summary One April 21, 1816 Patrick Bronte’s third child and Maria Branswell’s sixth child was born in Thornton, Yorkshire in England. Shortly after her birth, the Bronte-Branswell family moved to another part of Yorkshire known as Haworth so her father had been given the opportunity of being perpetual curate to the S., Michael and All Angels Church. However while in Haworth, a deep tragedy stroke the family on September 15, 1821 when their loving mother had died of cancer. The family wasn’t fully abandoned for the sister of Maria, Elizabeth Branwell, had greatly helped Patrick on raising his five daughters, Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne. Along with their only son Patrick Branwell. Thinking his daughters would have a better education and life there, Patrick Bronte sent his daughters Charlotte, Emily, Maria and Elizabeth to a boarding school in Cowan Bridge known as the Clergy Daughters’ School. There the girls were very sad to be away from home and the school didn’t prove the best living spaces for their students. For the school had greatly impacted the health of all his daughters. Especially the health of Maria and Elizabeth that gotten tuberculosis the summer of 1825 and passed away. Soon after the death of his two daughters, Patrick decided to bring his remaining daughters, Charlotte and Emily, back home. There Charlotte and her siblings were home schooled so they were isolated from the world and only had themselve to

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Black On Black And Black Crime - 985 Words

Black on Black crime, has always existed, just like any other group that commits crimes among each other. Wouldn t it make sense that if black people live around other black people in black neighborhoods, that they would most likely kill other black people? Doesn t take a rocket scientist. Similar to how white people have a high rate of killing other whites because often, they live in, you guessed it, outside the hood, and inside their own white neighborhoods. The News continues to report that Black on Black crime is at an all time high, but how legit are the facts to this broadcasting, really? jim crowAlthough Media reports that blacks commit most of the violent crimes, the center that collects and research statistics shows in fact that black on black murder crimes has decreased significantly since the early 90 s and is in fact by great numbers below whites when it comes down to violent crimes being committed. The whole black on black crime is a political strategy, a gimmick and propaganda used by the Illuminati/Bohemian Media elites to control people thoughts using media mind control. Most people, whether White, Black, Asian and Latino all have an idea, a mindset of who a criminal is and usually always the stereotypes of a criminal is associated to Black People. In America, Black people are 30-40% more likely to be exploited by the New World Order Society through a wide range of media outlets;commercials, movies, shows, reality shows, and music internationally. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Black Of Black And Black Crime Essay1832 Words   |  8 PagesJanuary 2015, the police h ave shot and killed over 175 young black men ranging from ages 18-29; 24 of them were unarmed. On the flip side 172 young white men were killed, only 18 being unarmed. With these statistics there are similarities in the numbers but, blacks were killed at rates disproportional to their percentage of U.S population (1.Washington Post). Of all unarmed people shot and killed by police in 2015. With 40% being black men make up just 6% of the nation’s populations. In the wakeRead MoreThe Black Of Black Crimes881 Words   |  4 Pages Black crimes in America are caused solely by the actions of black people. The previous statement is said throughout both rural and urban American, and it is based off of uneducated and racist ideologies. The criminal actions of blacks are partly contributed to their own decision making, though the same holds true for criminals of all races. However, black people in America have the longest lasting and most destructive history of racism towards them in modern American history, and this has ledRead MoreEssay about Black on Black Crime928 Words   |  4 PagesBlack on black violence is an enormous problem in the African-American community. Living in a neighborhood that is mostly minority, many may have witnessed a lot of black on black violence. The black on black violence has continued to arise in many communities and continues to be a problem around the world. Black on black violence is ignorant, and many black Americans should be coming together instead of killing one another. A frican-Americans people should be helping each other achieve in the worldRead MoreA Black On Black Crimes Of The Tutsi And Tutsi Society968 Words   |  4 PagesYou know the severity of a problem with the black on black crimes of the Hutu and Tutsi society, when the opposite race has the authority to condemn the destruction of a civilization of similar African Americans. Take for instance in the movie Hotel Rwanda, the white character Pat Archer who is a health care worker. She is portrayed as a caring white woman who believes in equality and not division among people. In the film there is a scene where Paul asks her to go check on some refugee. She goesRead MoreCrimes Of The Black Policeman1074 Words   |  5 Pagescrimes. For example, Ricky and Tre drive away from the party on the street, and two crooked black and white policemen pull them over. The black policeman, Officer Coffey, has both Ricky and Tre step outside of the car, and proceeds to start questioning Tre. Tre quickl y pleads, â€Å"I didn’t do nothin’!† Officer Coffey retorts, â€Å"You think you tough?† He then pulls out his gun, points it at Ricky’s face, and sternly says: â€Å"Scared now, ain t you? I like that. That s why I took this job. I hate littleRead MoreAfrican Americans And Black Crime1462 Words   |  6 PagesI think African Americans families face in the 21st century is black on black crime. Just recently in the Brown vs Ferguson case African Americans properties were destroyed, vandalize, and burned after the verdict of officer Wilson not being indicted. I thought instead of the African Americans going against each other they should have showed more respect and honor for each other. The Micheal Brown case was a tragic loss to the black community, especially after the lost of Trayvon Martin having theRead MoreCrime Of Driving While Being Black1047 Words   |  5 Pagescrimes. For example, Ricky and Tre are driving away from a street party, an d two crooked black and white policemen pull them over. The black policeman, Officer Coffey, has both Ricky and Tre step outside of the car, and proceeds to start questioning Tre. Tre quickly pleads, â€Å"I didn’t do nothin’!† Officer Coffey replies, â€Å"You think you tough?† He then points his gun at Ricky’s face, and asked him, â€Å"Scared now, ain t you? I like that. That s why I took this job. I hate little motherfuckers like you†¦Read MoreBlack Collar Crimes And White Collar Crime1956 Words   |  8 Pageswhat white collar crime in its introduction. The paper will then explain the distinct types of white collar crimes, after that different case study’s will be presented from the book to give examples of the diverse types of white collar crimes. After that the paper will talk about the diverse ways to combat white collar crimes while also going over the challenges law enforcement face when fighting white collar crime. Finally, the author will give his conclusion on white collar crime. Read MoreWhite Power, Black Crime, And Racial Politics1511 Words   |  7 PagesWhite power, Black Crime, and Racial Politics Racial profiling has been in existence for many years. One defines racial profiling as a method law enforcement agencies use to determine whether a person may be a suspect of a criminal act. â€Å"Racial profiling and racial discrimination against blacks in criminal justice administration can date back into the late 1600’s.† (Staples 2011) This is when the court officials in Philadelphia authorized the police to take up any â€Å"Negro† seen â€Å"gadding about† withoutRead MoreBlack Collar Crime : White Collar1828 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction: Sometimes known as the ‘victimless’ crime, White Collar Crime includes crimes such as fraud, embezzlement and, more often than not, results in the criminal profiting money-wise which is one of the biggest lures into White Collar Crime (WCC). WCC, has become more and more easier and accessible as businesses move closer towards technology and further away from paper documents which makes it easier to commit WCC as, if you knew what you were doing, you could cover your tracks easier than

Friday, December 13, 2019

Shakespeares Development Of Power In Macbeth Essay Example For Students

Shakespeares Development Of Power In Macbeth Essay Macbeth is a very power greedy person. It is not necessarily his own doing that he is such a ruthless person. It all started (Macbeth being power greedy) with the Three Witches predictions: All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Glamis!/ All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of/ Cawdor!/ All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter. (1.3.50-54)As soon as Macbeth learned of his future, he began to scheme on just exactly how he would fulfill these prophecies. That is when he decided that he would have to murder Duncan to fulfill the last prophecy. But that is when he had a change or heart. The only problem with Macbeth deciding not to murder Duncan, is that all of a sudden Lady Macbeth became the power greedy one. This is when Lady Macbeths scheming began. Although Macbeth had changed his mind and basically refused to murder Duncan, Lady Macbeth was able to eventually convince him to carry through with the plan. Even though Macbeth was the one who executed the plan, Lady Macbeth was the mastermind behind the scheme. Her greed for power was the one major factor that possessed her to convince Macbeth of the plan and carry through with it. Macbeth murdered Duncan at Iverness, and became hysterical after doing so. As a result of Malcolm and Donalbains suspicions resulting in their departure to England and Ireland Macbeth became king: this was the ultimate power that he and Lady Macbeth had as their goal (well, actually it was more of Lady Macbeths goal), and now he eventually had received it. Nothing was going to take away this ultimate power from Macbeth, and he would do anything to keep it. Macbeths ruthlessness results in him ordering three murderers to murder his best friend, Banquo. The power of being king has taken over Macbeths life, and he is a victim of his own greed for power. He is a tyrant. Not only does Macbeth murder Banquo (not directly, of course), he also murders (actually he has people murder) Macbuffs family. Macbeth does not murder Macduff, but he does murder his wife, children, and servants. Macbeth can not stoop any lower than the level that he is currently at. Now, it is Malcolms turn to want the power of kingship. The reason that Malcolm desires to become king, is because he knows that Macbeth is a murderer and a tyrant. Malcolm feels confident that he will be a fair and just king. At the end of the play when Malcolm comes into kingship, he is a gentle and kind ruler already.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Contribute to Organization Development

Question: Discuss about theContribute to Organization Development. Answer: Introduction This report is framed with the aim to understand the significance of the online retail and retail outlets. This report identifies the different key personals and its responsibility. This report focuses on the stakeholders of the BizOps to identify the needs and competing demands. At the same time, this report examines the different communication strategy for the effective retail operations. This report is also helpful to understand the different milestones in the retail to achieve the sales goals. Finally, this report demonstrates the effective retail strategy in between the retail outlets and online retail. Development Plans Goals and Objectives Background BizOps is a retail firm who facilitates to provide the good quality and innovative retail goods and services to its customers. In the current environment, the company is operating the 150 retail outlets and online stores across the country. Simultaneously, BizOps is operated its operations in three locations such as Sydney, New South Wales, and Australia. Aims and Objective The aim of the company is to provide the green and sustainable solution to their customers through the effective innovative and quality products and services in order to retain the lead position in the retail industry (Pandey, 2016). Whereas, the objective of the BizOps is To achieve the annual growth by 15% in the upcoming five years through the new innovative products. The company wants to raise its profit by 15% through the effective technology and innovative products. The company aims to increase the sales turnover through the reinvest the 75% profits in the business development activities. Another objective of the company is to develop the coordination among the retail outlet and online sales. Market Development Plan BizOps aims to maintain its lead position in the retail industry as well as company plans to offer the new quality products for the customers in the given budget in order to meet out their needs and demands. As a result, it can be helpful for the company to gain the competitive advantage. Meanwhile, the company plans to provide the effective training to their employees that enable to increase the productivity of the company as well as financial performance (Chkanikova and Lehner, 2015). Simultaneously, the company provides the effective resources such as financial, physical and human that is helpful to support the BizOps development programs. Success Measures BizOps has a different success measure, which is discussed as below: The company is provided the new innovative and good quality retail products to its customers. The company is providing the green and sustainable solution to the customers. To implement the effective work practices in the business. Key Personals and their Roles Key personal are the top level management employees in an organization who handles the different operation departments. Therefore, there are different key roles in the organization that manages the different department in the organization and supports in the development plan of the company. Here identifies the key personal in the organization: Rose Hargreaves: is the chief executive officer who controls the overall departments of the company such as production, marketing, sales, operation, information technology, and research and innovation center. Mike Booth: is a director of the financial operations and its responsibility to handle the overall financial operations of the company such as company accounts, payroll, profit and loss statement, and income statement (Resnick, et al., 2014). Sean Bamford: is a managing director of the business operations and it has a responsibility to operate the overall retail business operations such as day to day operation activities in order to generate the more profit as well as it also handles the IT, project operations. Sayo Yoshida: is the managing director who handles the human resource department and it has a responsibility to manage the recruitment, selection, compensation and benefits, compliance, and grievance issues. Nancy Tooket: Nancy is the retail director and it handles all retail operations such as customer service, sales portfolio, design, production, and advertising. List of Stakeholders A stakeholder is a person, group or organization that has directly or indirectly interest in the company activities. Consequently, it affects the company policy, objectives and decision making related to the business operations (Needham, et al., 2012). Stakeholders are significant to build the trust in the customers and it enhances the product transparency in order to take the effective decision. There are different stakeholders in the BizOps such as employees, government, creditors, suppliers, shareholders, and customers. Stakeholders Consultation and Communication Strategy Stakeholder Consultation Stakeholder consultation is the person who maintains the long-term relations in the organization for the long term benefit of the firm. Concurrently, it identifies the future trends in the business, which impact on the business performance. Similarly, it also helps in future collaboration and partnership in the business (sterle, et al., 2015). As a result, the company takes the effective decision making and effective implement the strategy through the stakeholders consultation. Communication Strategies BizOps is adopting the different business strategy for enlarging its retail operations. Here identifies the different strategies such as: Marketing Strategy The marketing strategy of the company is to organize the loyalty reward programs for its customers, which is helpful for the firm to retain more customers and builds the effective relationship. Similarly, the company organizes the fair trade competition that helps to increase the feasibility of the firm products. Thus, BizOps gains the competitive advantage as compared to other competitors, which enables to raise the stakeholders value. At the same time, Company has launched the e-commerce website as to increase the communication between the online retail sales and retail outlets consequently, it is convenient for the customers. The company more emphasize on the customer service through the effective distribution channel and new technology products (Ryu, 2013). Online Retail Strategy BizOps increases its online retail presence of their products and service in order to increase the sales performance. As a result, online retail presence can helpful to raise the profitability of the firm; consequently, it is quite helpful to enhance the shareholder's return. Moreover, the company also provides the online catalogs that enable to increase the product feasibility of the company products as well as it helps to retain more customer sales (Cao, 2014). Concurrently, through online shopping, a customer can easily compare the prices of different products. Although, the company should comply the data protection act in terms of customers and taxation act of the country. Apart from this, BizOps should identify the needs of the customer through different culture so that company can raise the online presence of its products, therefore; it increases the sales of the firm. Pricing Strategy BizOps is used the effective low pricing strategy for its customers, because company retains more customers as to gain the competitive advantage as compared to others. Low pricing strategy is significant to raise the retail operations consequently; the company retains the lead position in the retail industry (Varley, 2014). As a result, high profitability would increase the dividend for the shareholders. Simultaneously, the company maintains the low price strategy to their high-end customers also and it also helps to identify the needs of the customers. Direct Marketing Direct marketing is also an effective strategy for the company to raise its retail sales operations as well as the firm productivity. The company increases his sales through the new innovative and quality products among the existing customers. Meanwhile, the company participates in the trade fairs competition that enables to meet out the new retail trends are available for the customers. Distribution Strategy Effective distribution channel of the company gains the competitive advantage in the retail industry, because it provides the retail products through online and phone stores for the customers convenience. As a consequence, a large retail network can be helpful to save the time and cost of the firm, which is helpful to develop the positive relationship with the customers (Ryu, 2013). Instead of this, the company should analyze the problem skills effectively that enables to provide the effective decision making. Proposed Timeline Name of Activity Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Market research Integrate plan for retail outlet and online Pricing strategy Website and software development Hiring operator specialized Feasibility study of ideas Managing financial and human resources Carry out regulatory requirements Above timeline, chart provides the different guideline related to milestone tasks. For this, the report is more significant. Conclusion From the above report, it can be summarized that BizOps has provided the new innovative and quality products to its customers, which can be helpful to retain the lead position in the retail industry. Whereas, an effective resource like financial and physical enables to support the company development plans. At the same time, key personal of the company has operated the different departments such as finance, HR, and operation to accomplish the goal effectively. Simultaneously, different communication strategy like low price, online, and marketing that are helpful to raise the business opportunity and sales. As a result, it can be said that the company easily achieves the target of annual growth sales by 15% through effective strategy and innovated products. References Pandey, A. K. (2016) Current Human Resource Management Practices in Organized Retail Outlets,The International Journal of Business Management,4(3), pp. 100. Chkanikova, O. and Lehner, M. (2015) Private eco-brands and green market development: towards new forms of sustainability governance in the food retailing,Journal of Cleaner Production,107, pp. 74-84. Resnick, S., Foster, C. and Woodall, T. (2014) Exploring the UK high street retail experience: is the service encounter still valued?,International Journal of Retail Distribution Management,42(9), pp. 839-859. Needham, D. M., Davidson, J., Cohen, H., Hopkins, R. O., Weinert, C., Wunsch, H. and Brady, S. L. (2012) Improving long-term outcomes after discharge from intensive care unit: report from a stakeholders' conference, Critical care medicine,40(2), pp. 502-509. sterle, I., Aditjandra, P. T., Vaghi, C., Grea, G. and Zunder, T. H. (2015) The role of a structured stakeholder consultation process within the establishment of a sustainable urban supply chain, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,20(3), pp. 284-299. Ryu, J. S. (2013) Mobile marketing communications in the retail environment: a comparison of QR code users and non-users,International Journal of Mobile Marketing,8(2), pp. 19-29. Cao, L. (2014) Business model transformation in moving to a cross-channel retail strategy: a case study,International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 18(4), pp. 69-96. Varley, R. (2014)Retail product management: buying and merchandising. UK: Routledge.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Is there a crisis of meaning in the contemporary world Essay Example

Is there a crisis of meaning in the contemporary world Essay In modern day society, an increasing number of people question their purpose, their meaning, and their very existence on this earth. The questioning stems from either a lack of faith, a lack of understanding, lack of knowledge, or the general belief that human life pales in insignificance to the universe, and that, as described in Humanism: A Very Short Introduction, humanity amounts to nothing more then a dirty smudge on a ball of rock lost in an incomprehensively vast universe'(page 119)1. We must ask ourselves, what causes humanity to constantly question itself? Can it be solely be attributed to the rise of modern day science, which casts itself directly opposite the might and meaning of religion? Or it may be the fact that humans, are a race are more aware of the Earths small role in the vast universe; a parallel with humanities own insecurities about their own role in the colossal size of the universe. Personal situations, such as the heartbreak of unrequited love, the despair of losing your job, can evaporate all meaning in an individuals life, thus leading towards a crisis of value. In the Western world especially, the rise of atheism has also contributed towards an individuals lack of belief and sense of meaning; as one turned to religion and the belief that there was a higher power, which was substantial enough to give the individual meaning and a place in society. However, the rise of atheism, has led people to question the idea of an all powerful God. We will write a custom essay sample on Is there a crisis of meaning in the contemporary world specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Is there a crisis of meaning in the contemporary world specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Is there a crisis of meaning in the contemporary world specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The seeds of modern day atheism were sown by Karl Marx, who felt that religion was a form of control, and that the idea of a God was an illusion. He also stated that Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the feelings of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of unspiritual conditions. It is the opium of the people. 2 This school of thought gained popularity, as more and more people started to think outside of the institutionalized, rigid ideas of religion. It was thought that the idea of an all loving God, whom people had to worship did not satisfy the developing curiosity of the masses, who still wonder, how an omniscient, omnipotent higher being, can allow atrocities such as the Nazis slaughter of millions of Jews in World War 2 occur without trying to stop it, or lets natural disasters such as the Japanese earthquake and tsunami of 2011 take place. Surely if a loving God exists, such pain and suffering cannot be piled on so many people? Certain religions, such as Hinduism, go to great lengths to explain the suffering inflicted upon so many. It is a belief in Hinduism, and various other religions such as Buddhism and Sikhism, that our physical beings are just a shell for our soul, which is derived directly from God itself. This soul is reincarnated within various lifetimes, as punishment for our past sins. This means that the agony and pain undergone by so many is a direct result of our past actions, in previous lives, thus taking the absence of an intervention of God, out of the equation. The lack of a definitive answer however, leads individuals to lose faith in a God, and a religious system, as these questions eventually cannot be answered by anybody, all but leaving either a feeling of emptiness or content inside the person; as they either are satisfied with knowing theres nothing more to life, or are depressed by the thought that there is no meaning to their existence. Albert Schopenhauer, a philosopher in the 18th century rejected the idea of a God, and that suffering and loss is all of our own making, and not determined by a higher power. An existential crisis is in most cases triggered by a significant event which provokes a turning point in an individuals life. These can range from cases involving the loss of a loved one, to an individuals own sense of isolation and detachment from the modern world. Looking back on my own experience of being in the position of one who has lost faith and ultimately questioned the purpose of life, the ultimate answer is that each person must come to their own conclusion, and find their own path in life. For me, after going through the pain of unrequited love, I was lead to question God, and the reason why I had been going such heartache, while others around me were so happy, and for a period of time I felt isolated and found no reason strong enough to justify why human beings are here. For me, being brought up in a religious household, this was a radical way of thinking, and had no idea how to deal with it. My way of life had been threatened by a new way of thinking, and questioning whether all I believed in was a lie. Now I realize it was my lack underlying lack of faith which subsequently led me to question my existence and purpose on this earth. I discovered that the worst thing about questioning one selfs meaning and purpose, is that there is no definitive answer. The quest for meaning led me to research several philosophers and religious figures, including a prominent Indian philosopher, Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda enabled me to understand the meaning of our existence, by stating that human beings were like the bee who came to sip the honey, but found its feet stuck to the honey-pot, and could not get it away. Again and again we find ourselves in that state. That is the whole secret of existence. . This is further explained when he questions Why are we here? We came to sip the honey, and we find our hands and feet stuck to it3. This for me implies that human beings are never satisfied with what we have, and always seem to question more and more, without finding any satisfactory answer. The breakthroughs and discoveries in science further destroyed peoples ideas of a higher purpose, as it moved to dissolve the idea of a creator figure. Charles Darwin was a leading figure in challenging Creationism and the Great Chain of Being. His studies and new ideas such as Succession of types, Representative species, and the distribution of species were important in radically altering peoples outlook on life. His theory of evolution, ascertaining that man was essentially once a Neanderthal opposed the idea that we were created for a purpose. It challenged the idea that humanity was the center of the world, and that the hierarchy must be rejected, and that man is just a consequence of nature, which moved to dissolve many peoples belief in a higher power, thus leading them to query their existence, as Darwins theories suggested that we were not put on this planet for any specific reason by a God; we are just a consequence of natural selection and biology. Darwins theories were challenged by Karl Popper, a philosopher who claimed that scientific theories could be falsified and replaced. The problem with science however, is that it does not provide a moral code, or ascertain what is wrong and right to feel, leaving the individual in a quandary about what to believe. In conclusion, it can be said that a higher number of people fail to find meaning in their life, or at least question it at some point in their lifetime. This is due to a combination of a lack of faith in a God/religion , the emergence of science and Darwins theory of natural selection/ evolution and the consequence of suffering caused by events such as the Rwanda genocide and global AIDs crisis. The fundamental problem is that there is no definitive answer, and no solution to the questioning of an individuals purpose, leaving us to the only answer, that each individual must find their own path in life.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

ACT Test and Registration Dates for 2018 - 2019

ACT Test and Registration Dates for 2018 - 2019 For the 2018-19 admissions cycle, U.S. students have seven ACT testing dates from which to choose. The exam is offered in September, October, December, February, April, June, and July. The July option is new in 2018. Registration deadlines are roughly five weeks before the exam, so be sure to plan ahead. When Is the ACT in the United States? For the 2018  - 19  academic year, the ACT test dates and registration deadlines are presented in the table below. Important ACT Dates -   2018-19 Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline June 9, 2018 May 4, 2018 May 20, 2018 July 14, 2018 June 15, 2018 June 22, 2018 September 9, 2018 August 10, 2018 August 26, 2018 October 27, 2018 September 28, 2018 October 14, 2018 December 8, 2018 November 2, 2018 November 19, 2018 February 9, 2019 January 11, 2019 January 18, 2019 April 13, 2019 March 8, 2019 March 25, 2019 June 8, 2019 May 3, 2019 May 20, 2019 July 13, 2019 June 14, 2019 June 24, 2019 Note that the February and July ACT is not offered in New York State. In California, no test centers are scheduled for July. International test dates are generally the same as those in the United States, but options may be limited. When Is the ACT Offered Outside of the United States? If youre taking the ACT outside of the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, or U.S. territories, you should register online for the exam. The test dates are the same as for the United States with the exception of February when the exam is not offered at international test locations. There is a $57.50  fee for international testing and late registration is not available. Is the ACT Always on a Saturday? The ACT test dates, like the SAT test dates, are on select Saturdays throughout the year. For some students, however, religious convictions make Saturday testing impossible. For these cases, the ACT is offered at a limited number of testing locations on Sundays. Youll be able to locate these Sunday test centers on the ACT website when you register for the exam.   It is also possible to apply for arranged testing  if there is no Sunday test center near you, you live in a country where the ACT is not offered, or if you are confined to a correctional facility on all of the test dates. Note that non-Saturday testing is not an option for the great majority of high school students, and you should make every effort to sit for the ACT during one of the Saturday exam administrations Is the ACT Offered Near Me? On the ACT website, youll find a tool for finding your nearest test center. The great majority of students should be able to find a test center within an hour of home, and you may even find that your own high school is a test center. Some rural students, however, may find that the exam will require a bit more travel. The situation can be even more challenging for international students. Some countries have just one or two test centers, and a few countries have none at all. Some international students may need to travel long distances or to other countries in order to take the exam. How Does ACT Test Registration Work? To register for the ACT, youll need to create an online account on the ACT website. The process can take about 40 minutes because the registration form will ask you about your personal information, interests, and high school course details. Youll also need to locate the test center where you want to take the exam, and youll need to have a credit card or other form of payment handy to pay the registration fees. Finally, youll need to provide a headshot photo for your registration ticket. This is a security measure to ensure that the person taking the exam is the same person who registered for the exam.   When Is the Best Time to Take the ACT? When you take the ACT is entirely up to you, but some exam strategies work better than others. Because the ACT is an achievement test (rather than an aptitude test), it asks you about information you have learned in high school. The result is that taking the exam in 9th or 10th grade may not be the best idea for the simple reason that you probably havent yet covered all of the material that will appear on the exam. One of the common approaches to the ACT is to take the exam in the second half of your junior year (February, April, May, or June). If you dont get good ACT scores from that test, you have time to prepare further and then retake the exam at the beginning of your senior year (July, September, or October). Be careful with the December test date: youll want to make sure the scores will be available in time to meet all of your application deadlines. It is always an option to take the ACT more than twice, but doing so shouldnt be necessary for the great majority of students. In many cases, in fact, a single testing in the spring of junior year can be more than adequate if you find your scores are in line with your target schools. What Does It Cost to Register for the ACT? At the time of registration, you will need to pay the fees for the ACT. The current fees for some of the most popular exam services are as follows: $46.00 for the basic ACT. This fee includes score results for the student, the students school, and four colleges$62.50 for the ACT with Writing$29.50  additional fee if you register late$53.00  additional fee if you register for standby testing (after the late registration deadline)$13  for additional score reports As you plan your college budget, be sure to keep these costs in mind. College expenses arent just about tuition, room, and board. Applying to college is also expensive, and standardized tests are a big part of that cost. If you take the ACT twice and need to send score reports to a dozen colleges, your ACT costs will most likely be several hundred dollars. The good news is that fee waivers are available for qualifying students from low income families. A Final Word About ACT Test Dates and Registration For better or worse, standardized tests are an important part of the college application process. Even if you are applying to test-optional colleges, you may need to take either the ACT or SAT to qualify for scholarships, to be placed into the appropriate classes, or to meet NCAA requirements for athletic participation.   Finally, dont put off thinking about the ACT. Youll want to carefully plan when you take the exam, and youll also need to plan ahead so that you dont miss registration deadlines.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysis Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis - Research Paper Example For a Christian to be a total Christian he is guided by certain commandments. There are ten in number, which are well defined and help in promoting a peaceful co existence between man and man and also man and God himself. Among these commandments include not having any other god apart from the creator; Christians are advised to honor the Sabbath day make sure that they keep it holy. Adultery is a vice that is highly disregarded among Christian in addition to that they re not to kill that which has been created by God. Respect is encouraged and this begins with respecting your parents and all people around you (Miner 93). Christian commandments are applicable to people of all religions. There is always need for peaceful co existence between different individuals all over the world. Respect is a value upheld by all religions race and gender. These respect runs from the respect for oneself to the respect of your neighbors. By respecting your neighbor, it will help in avoiding unnecessary conflicts between different individuals. Adultery also focuses on respect in the sense that an individual who respects himself will also respect his or her neighbor’s marriage. Murder is a case that that is not taken lightly by any nation on religion. This is the reason to formulation of laws that help in checking and controlling human behavior. Man is not to act as he pleases at the expense of other people’s lives where he is mandated to killing his fellow men (Miner 63). Hinduism is another religion that has great appeal to me. Hinduism as a religion focuses on the total well being of individuals. For instance is concerned with the mental, physical and spiritual growth of an individual. The most captivating element is the belief they have about food there charitable culture and the respect the religion has towards life. Hinduism highly regards life saying that all creatures have a right to life and therefore are to be given a chance to live (Nix 74). Spirit of sharing

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Colonization of America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Colonization of America - Essay Example Economics was the driving force behind the move to the colonies and religion was the prime motivation. After a millennium of rule over Europe, the Catholic Church had come under increasing pressure brought on by its abuse of power and unpopular doctrines. During the reign of King Henry the VIII, England split from the Catholic Church and changed the national religion to Protestant. After Henry's death, the country switched between Catholic and Protestant as the rulers changed. When Mary became queen in 1553 she banished, persecuted, or killed many people who were not Catholics. When the Protestant religion came back in favor, there were even more dramatic splits in religion as radical Protestants objected to some of the fundamentals of the church. These splits in the churches carried on into the 17th century and eventually fomented into the English Civil War. England was being swept up into the fervor that had engulfed the rest of Europe decades earlier. The English Civil War, also known as the Puritan Movement, had its beginnings with John Calvin in the 16th century. The puritans objected to the modern Protestant church of the 17th century and insisted the church follow the Calvinist doctrine. The strict teachings of Calvinism earned the followers the name of reformer and non-conformer. These Puritan reformers, outlawed in their own country, were seeking a new place where they could practice their religion with freedom. The Americas were the ideal location, and the economic situation at the time made the journey a necessary reality. Others seeking wealth, resources, and land would facilitate their voyage across the sea. During the period of religious upheaval, England was also experiencing a dramatic shift in its economic system. By the beginning of the 17th century, the population has swelled and unemployment was escalating. Peasants and laborers moved to the city and were met with impoverished conditions. The increase in population placed a greater demand on goods and services and resulted in widespread scarcities across England. With a high demand and short supply, inflation set in and resulted in the Price Revolution. Landlords found that they could make more profit during this period of high inflation by producing cash goods rather than renting to tenants. In a process called enclosing, the landowners would evict the current tenants and enclose the property to produce commercial commodities. Though this was good for the economy in that it produced more goods and eased inflation, it resulted in greater poverty for the farmer tenants and increased unemployment in England's cities. These changing economic systems caused people to seek wealth in new areas such as the Americas. America offered the poor an opportunity to own land and the investor the chance to capitalize their fortunes. England saw migration as a means to ease the overpopulation and the overburdened demand for goods. The impoverished in England were also the most disenchanted and dissatisfied class. They were drawn to radical religious and philosophical doctrines and looked for leadership in these disciplines. Drawn by the promise of prosperity in a new land, they were eager to begin a pilgrimage to a new home. The promise of land ownership and religious freedom combined to make the migration to the Americas possible. The new immigrants to America began

Monday, November 18, 2019

Team Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Team Communication - Essay Example Team development can be achieved by effective communication which increased cohesiveness of the team. These types of work structures require a whole new notion of collaboration-collaboration with external constituencies. A potential impediment to the success of work teams comes from differences in employee preferences and values. Just as some cultures are more individualistic or more collectivistic than others, individuals within cultures also vary on this dimension-even though there is, on average, more variation across cultures than within cultures. For example, when faced with the prospect of moving to a team-based work environment, some employees in a study conducted in the United States expressed concerns that reflected their individualistic values. "The communication gauge is read by individually asking team members about the purpose of what they do, why this project exists, and what success looks like for the purpose of team understanding" (Thompson and Border 2008, p. 10). Nu merous impediments will challenge the effective implementation of teams across national contexts, including the inherent time lag between implementation and results, the often tenuous relationships between teams, cultural differences that require adaptations in practices to fit the context, and increasing domestic demographic diversity within nations. As temporary team structures, multicultural teams, and virtual teams proliferate, these team-savvy practitioners will be able to lead their organizations through successful implementation and use of teams in multinational contexts (Hermelis et al 2008). In addition to increasing the likelihood of informal communication through increased contact, proximity increases the quality of communication. By high-quality communication, we mean two-way interactions involving more than one sensory channel. The opportunity for interactions of this type is especially important during the initiation and planning stages of a project, when the need for a rich communication modality is strongest. In addition to increasing the likelihood of informal communication through increased contact, proximity increases the quality of communication. By high-quality communication, we mean two-way interactions involving more than one sensory channel. t (Thompson and Border 2008). The main challenges of team communication are diversity (cultural, age and gender and different perspectives on the research projects. Having multiple opportunities for high-quality, low-cost interactions makes it possible for potential collaborators to find each other and to manage their work efficiently. Without these opportunities for informal communication, collaborations don't get started, and if the opportunity for informal communication declines, collaborative work typically slows down, becomes more burdensome and, sometimes, comes to an end. Teams in individualistic cultures appear to be particularly susceptible to overconfidence. "That the biases inherent in self-selection could skew the exit questionnaires and thus our research findings." (Hermelis et al 2008, p. 342). Individualists view their team as an entity in and of itself rather than one that is connected to the external context and are therefore even less apt to use external sources of information to make correction s in their behavior and improve their performance. Particularly in

Friday, November 15, 2019

Factors in organisations that would influence choice of leadership styles

Factors in organisations that would influence choice of leadership styles Identify factors in organisations that would influence choice of leadership styles and explain why leadership styles are likely to positively affect team building Leadership styles are currently different across the globe, especially between Asia and America. Culture makes the way how things are done, but less so what is done. The differences of styles in different parts of world clearly reflect the stage of development of the economies, like companies of Asia. As Asian companies seek access to global capital markets, they will move toward professional managers who will employ leadership styles most likely to those now used in the United States and Europe. Mostly Asian companies rely more on professional employees, and as professional services become of more importance in Asian economies, there will be less autocratic style of leadership and more participative and even empowered style of leadership will emerge. Asian leadership will show more resemblance to that of the West. But significant cultural differences will remain unchanged causing economic and geopolitical rivalries within Asia and between Asian countries and the West will continue and perhaps grow. Family and political connections: Cultural differences are very important, For example, family leadership of business which passes by one generation to another, including in large companies, occurs in very similar ways in both parts, East and West, but is more common in Asia. Li Ka-shing ( Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa and Cheung Kong holding group), for instance, runs his business closely and is planning to pass the leadership of his firms to his two sons. Similarly, in America the heads of some largest firms, both publicly held and private, belong to the families that founded the firms, but there is less freedom of action for executives and boards in America than in Asia. But in America, more commonly firms are run by professional managers who are replaced by other professional managers, either as result of retirement or of replacement by the board of directors of the firm. The better companies have much sophisticated programs for developing executives within the firm, and in most cases, choose a next chief executive officer from among them. In Asia, succession in most cases is passed on to the siblings. In Lis case, he is passing it to his sons, while Jack Welch chose to groom CEOs for General Electric. To a significant level, large American firms are at a higher stage of development than many Asian firms, they have passed from founders family leadership to professional management and to capital obtained from the capital markets rather than obtained from government directly or indirectly or from family sources, in this transition they have adopted particular styles of leadership responsive to boards often led by outside directors. It is possible, but not certain, that Asian firms as they develop, follow this evolutionary path. In Asia political connections so important for top business leaders as compared to Western countries, whether in democracies or one-party states are not unknown but are much less important in America and Europe. It is a common characteristic of Asian top executives that they have strong connections that are important to their businesses. In America, the CEOs of very large firms often have less or no direct connections to top politicians-the government is treat ed at arms length and business is done by business people. There are some off course, and there is deep political involvement, but it is much less common than in Asia. Furthermore, leadership is of three levels where team is the base of it, so as a result of this all leadership styles affect in positively towards team building. With reference a relevant leadership model, explain how an organisations working practices could be improved, by collecting feedback from others. Assumptions: Involvement of people working in organization for decision-making improves the understanding of the issues. People are more committed to actions when they have involved in the relevant decision-making. People become less competitive and more collaborative when they work on joint goals. When people make decisions together, the social commitment between them is greater and thus increases their commitment to the decision. Several brains deciding together make better decisions than on brain alone, for such situation participative leadership style is widely used. Style: A Participative Leader, instead of taking autocratic decisions, seeks to involve other people in the decision making, possibly including subordinates, colleagues, superiors and other stakeholders. Often, however, as it is within the managers control to give or deny control to his or her subordinates, most participative activity is within the immediate team. The question of how much influence others are given in the process of decision making, may vary on the managers preferences and beliefs, and a whole spectrum of participation is possible. Businesses in the world need to focus greatly on smarter working practices in order to remain competitive in the global economy and to prosper, leading experts have claimed. Most business leaders acknowledge that smarter working practices will help to improve staff wellbeing and make businesses more inclusive. In particular, experts say that it is necessary to reduce the average length of the working week in the organizations, as well as cutting down commuting time. Both of these things always lead to worker stress and ill health. Some experts also say that technology could play an important role in helping to improve working practices in the in todays worstile and sophisticated business. Recently in UK, figures from the Office for National Statistics were published which showed that broadband internet connections have helped the number of home workers increase by 18 per cent over the last nine years in this decade. Similarly, data from BT Business recently indicated that faster internet connections had helped the bosses of small businesses achieve a better work-life balance. Explain why it is so important to make effective and efficient use of your teams knowledge and skills while planning to achieve work objectives TEAM EFFECTIVENESS The importance of work teams appears to be gaining strength as jobs get long and complicated, organizational structures get more complex, and more and more companies become multi-national in scope . In todays corporate environment, it appears the team not the individual holds the key to business success. DREAM EFFECTIVENESS As companies restructure, downsize, and reinvent themselves, the new roles being created which often tend to be team-oriented. Organizations are becoming flatter, leaner, and more agile and efficient. A prominen and most commont feature of effectiveness today is satisfying customer needs. Many jobs and projects are becoming increasingly complex, less time available for completion, and global in scope due to fast changing business world. All these factors collectively are making it increasing difficult for one person to perform a single job. Todays workplace uses teams as the basic work unit for example surgical units, airplane crews, research and development teams, production crews. Although teams are found everywhere in organizations but most employee related functions are individualized (e.g., selecting, training, evaluating, rewarding). Such a disconnection between an organizations need to foster effective teams and its natural tendency to focus on the individual employee can create many problems. In addition, some research suggests a key reason why some teams fail is that employees are not well prepared to make the transition from individual contributor to team member. One of the keys to develope high performing teams is to remember that successful teams do not simply happen. They take much effort and time. They take proper guidance and support from the team leader. They require an organizational culture which enables and enhance team work. To achieve a high level of team performance, we must be knowledgeable about the factors which influence team dynamics and effectiveness. To understand how teams work, many authors have proposed models of team performance. Each of these models presents several variables that the author posits influence the effectiveness of teams. Some of the models highlight group structure and interpersonal dynamics, while others tend to focus on the talent and motivation of individual team members. Still others emphasize factors external to the team itself (e.g., a companys culture). Some models were proposed more than three decades ago in 1970s; some were developed within the past few years. Identify and describe barriers to delegation in the workplace and one mechanism to support delegation in the workplace Managers often have a number of excuses for not delegating: I can do it better myself; My employees just arent capable enough; It takes too much time to explain what I want to be done. The real reason may be the manager is simply too disorganized or inflexible to delegate work effectively. Other barriers to delegation are insecurity and confusion about who is ultimately responsible for a specific task the manager or the employee. Managers cannot sidestep their responsibility to higher ups simply by delegating difficult or unpleasant tasks. They are always accountable for the actions of their employees a fact that makes some managers reluctant to take a chance on delegating. Others fear that delegating reduces their own authority. Still others feel threatened if their employees do too good a job. Some employees on the other hand, want to avoid responsibility and risk. They prefer that their managers make all the decisions. These barriers can be overcome if managers follow certain guidelines for effective delegation. Supportive elements for delegation: Factors from manager point of view: An   effective and   talented   manager   would   delegate, who   has   interest   in   developing   the   subordinates. An overload   of   work   could also   force   a   manager to delegate decision making power. The   task   may   Ã‚  recur   in   the   future or   frequently The   Tasks in   hand   are  critical for long-term success   Ã‚  and   genuinely do need your attention The   subordinates   have   the   necessary   experience, expertise   Ã‚  to handle   the   Ã‚  tasks and ability that could help manager and other higher officials . The tasks timelines and deadlines, for example. i : How much time is there available to do the job? ii: Is there time to do the job all again if its not done properly the first time? iii: What are the possible consequences of not completing the job on time? iv: Your expectations or goals for the   task(s) v: How important is it that the results generated are of the highest possible standard and quality? vi: Is an adequate result good enough? vii: Would a failure be crucial? Viii: How much would failure impact other things? FACTORS FROM   Ã‚  THE STAFF POINT of view:   Ã‚   The   Ã‚  staff has the expertise to complete the job. The delay is acceptable, if the staff cant complete. The staff is keen to take the opportunity to grow/ develop. Explain techniques that could be used to monitor the outcomes of delegation in the workplace After the process of delegation is completed then comes the measurement stage of its outcomes and mostly same techniques are used for measurement, which are often used to measure the performance at a broader level, for company performance. Same 8 step process is used for the outcomes of delegation which is most commonly used as performance measurement. To evaluate how the subordinates are performing, for this some targets are set before the delegation, as goals are set for organisation this stage is of two parts, data about the performance of subordinates and the benchmark. To control the things to ensure that subordinates are doing the right things. Today managers do not control their subordinates mechanically (measurement of time-and-motion for control as during Taylor) as couple of decades they used to, but managers still use different measures to control, while allowing some space for freedom in the workforce. Organisation create measurement systems that involve particular actions they want to be executed by branch employess. Then they want to measure the performance to see whether the employees have taken those actions. Officials need to measure behavior of individuals (subordinates in this case) then compare this performance with requirements to check who has and has not complied. Often such requirements are described only as guidelines. Do not be fooled. These guidelines are legally requirements and those requirement are designed to control the things. This measurement of meeting with these requirements is the mechanism of control. To budget the process of any kind is sometime answer to improving performance for example providing better technological equipments could improve the performance. To motivate subordinates after giving significant goals to achieve and then using measurements of performance for better outcomes. Motivation is one of three elements of performance; ability and environment. To celebrate the accomplishments keep subordinates tie together and give them a sense of their individual as well as collective relevance, celebration also helps in performance improvement because it brings attention to the goals and promotes competence and attracts resources. To promote, at broader level of company performance managers convince political superiors, stakeholders, journalists, and citizens that their company is doing good job but to monitoring the delegation outcomes this stage is used to promote the work of subordinates. To learn from the delegation is also a very important stage, this involves that how whether it has brought desired results or not. This stages data is also very useful in future decision making. To improve the things that we learned at previous stage, this means to identify places that need improvements.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Great Gatsby :: essays research papers

Book Review   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is set in the 1920’s during the Jazz Age. Nick Carraway is a man in his late twenties residing on West Egg island in Long Island, New York living a â€Å"normal† life. That is, until he meets his mysterious neighbor, a wealthy man named Jay Gatsby. He is a man of mystery, living in a mansion that is constantly full of people, music, and fun. Nick’s â€Å"normal† life gets thrown topsy-turvy when he gets involved in the life of this extraordinary millionaire. Marred by jealousy, cheating, and lying, Nick begins to feel the essence of living a glamorous life in the ‘20’s. He showed this when he said, â€Å"Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All along, I felt sorry for Nick being dragged into more and more tragedy, but I especially felt bad for him during one instance. His friend Daisy was married to Tom, but Tom was having an affair with Mrs. Wilson and Daisy had a thing for Gatsby. Daisy and Gatsby were driving home from town after an argument amongst the group of friends when they passed the Wilson’s gas station. Mrs. Wilson ran out to Gatsby’s car, because they were driving Tom’s car, and was hit. Mr. Wilson went positively crazy, and Nick felt torn by his mixed feelings towards his supposed friend Gatsby. â€Å"I disliked him so much by this time that I didn’t find it necessary to tell him he was wrong.† Gatsby’s insensitivity brought on by his lifestyle made Nick despise him. This is the part where I think Nick really started opening his eyes to how Gatsby really was.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This book really displays how the life of an important person is, especially in that time period. At first, Nick is awed and drawn in by the glamour and prestige, but he eventually figures out for himself how rough it really was. Although this book was set back in the ‘20’s, the lessons you learn from it still apply to society and life in general today. Anyone could read this book and draw a few lessons about life from it. Summary   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Great Gatsby was set in the 1920’s. It’s about the lives of a group of people who all become entangled in a web of, lying, scandal, and cheating together. Nick Carraway lives a â€Å"normal† life on Long Island, until he meets his neighbor, Jay Gatsby. Parties went on every weekend, and Nick

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen

Independent Reading A Guide to Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen â€Å"Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can. † Special Considerations Copyright Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. The Novel at a Glance Pride and Prejudice (1813) is a comedy of manners that explores how considerations of money, family background, and personal vanity can complicate the course of true love. Setting: Mostly in rural Hertfordshire in England in the late eighteenth century.Protagonist: Elizabeth Bennet, the most intelligent and complex daughter in a family of five unmarried isters who have no prospect of inheriting wealth. Structure: The novel is divided into three each subdivided into many short chapters. The plot involves pairs of lovers who seem destined never to get together because of the opposition of powerful blocking fgures and forces. The couples, however, after bringing the entire community together, are happily married in the end. Conflicts: The plot is propelled by the need of the female characters to find suitable husbands.The main conflicts are the obstacles or blocks that get in the way of achieving these marriages. The obstacles are both external (the want of beauty, money, sense, r social connections) and internal (an inability to discern the true character or feelings of another). Resolution: By learning from her experience and honestly evaluating herself, Elizabeth gains a husband who is not only wealthy but truly worthy. She overcomes her prejudice against Fitzwilliam Darcy, which was based on his appearance of pride, and he overcomes his prejudice against her family, which was based on pride in his own social rank and good manners.Themes: Knowledge comes through caretul reasoning and considered experience, unclouded by pride or prejudice based on rank or mere appearances. Of Special Note: By means of comic irony and satirical exaggeration, Austen exposes the social and moral foll ies of her society. The vocabulary of Pride and Prejudice should pose no major problems to upper-grade-level students reading at grade level, but all students, especially those reading below grade level, should be prepared to encounter a society whose social and economic conditions are markedly different from those of today.They can learn a great deal about Austen's world from the novel itself, but some understanding of the British system of inherited wealth and the position of omen within that system during the early nineteenth century will help orient them. Background Entailed Property. In the traditional British class system, wealth was passed on via the inheritance of family property, an annual income for life, or both. Inherited wealth conferred far more status than money earned by work. Family estates were usually inherited by the oldest son; and other sons, and sometimes daughters, were given smaller incomes.An entail is a restriction on the inheritance of family property, an d in the case of the Bennets, the entail stipulated that Longbourn, the family home, be passed on to a male cousin. The Eighteenth-century Gentlewoman. The Bennet sisters were considered gentlewomen because their father had inherited some wealth and therefore did not have to work to earn money. Because of the entail, however, they would not inherit any wealth of their own, unlike Georgiana Darcy and Caroline Bingley, whose fathers' estates were so large that all the children were designated to inherit.Since it was not respectable or generally even feasible for gentlewomen to work, the Bennet sisters had no option but to find husbands who could support them and maintain their position in the class to which they were born. If they did not marry, hey would have to depend on the generosity of male relatives. Jane Austen's own situation was typical of the time: she remained with her father until he died and then moved to her brother's house. What was not typical was that she wrote books and was paid for her work. Pride and Prejudice 1 Mrs.Bennet, a frivolous woman, bent on making advantageous matches for her five daughters but lacking the ability to Judge the worth of their prospective suitors. She makes silly comments, otten at inappropriate times. Mr. Bennet, an intelligent but usually aloof man who looks on his wife and the marital dilemmas of his daughters with detached amusement. Notable for witty comments. Jane Bennet, the eldest daughter (in her early twenties), very beautiful and sweet- tempered, always ready to think well of others and modestly of herself†the friend and foil of her sister Elizabeth.Elizabeth Bennet, at first too quick and confident in her Judgments, she refines her knowledge of herself and her ability to evaluate others. More outspoken and opinionated than her sister Jane. Mary, Catherine (Kitty), and Lydia Bennet, the three younger sisters, flat characters who change little in response to experience. Mary is a pedant with no real kn owledge. Lydia's high spirits are unrestrained by good ense. Charles Bingley, a good-looking, wealthy, and agreeable young man, who falls in love with Jane but whose courtship of Jane is not encouraged by his friend Darcy or his fashionable sister Caroline, who wishes to marry Darcy.Functions as a foil for Darcy. Fitzwilliam Darcy, a handsome, dignified gentleman, heir to great property and wealth. A reserved man, ill at ease with strangers and mindful of social rank. He strikes the Bennets as cold and aloof. Falls in love with Elizabeth. Reverend William Collins, a clergyman and cousin of Mr. Bennet, who has ingratiated himself with the formidable Lady Catherine de Bourgh and stands to inherit Longbourn. He is accepted by Elizabeth's plain, practical friend, Charlotte Lucas, after Elizabeth rejects his marriage proposals.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Orange Is The New Black Professor Ramos Blog

Orange Is The New Black Orange Is The New Black Women’s prisons are gaining fame in a new way. â€Å"Orange Is the New Black† made its premier on Netflix in 2013 as a comedy-drama series. It is based on real life events from a book called â€Å"My Year in a Woman’s Prison† written by Piper Kerman. Even though this show is hysterical, it still focuses on the real-life issues such as; privilege, the disadvantaged, and mental illness. Many series don’t often involve woman and the prison system. I think it’s nice to see what could possibly go on in there. Orange Is The New Black has just entered its 6th season, making that 78 episodes. With the production being in New York, The creator Jenji Kohan has found a lot of raw talent that have made a huge impact when portraying these characters. Chapman is a main character in the beginning who is being sentenced to 15 months in Litchfield Prison for criminal conspiracy and money laundering. She is well-educated, white, and a narcissist. Chapman is based on the book author, Piper Kerman, who was sentenced to a woman’s minimum-security prison. The writers of this show have made it clear that authorities have become very fond of her. Making her sentence feel a little lighter than the rest of the inmates. It could be that â€Å"white privilege† comes into to play, considering the fact that she has been granted many things that those of color cannot get. The inmates see that she is being favored which makes her presence unwanted. She soon tries to make amends meet with a powerful prisoner by giving her a gift. But in order to make this gift she needs shea butter. Chapman is introduced to a character that goes by the name of â€Å"Taystee†. Chapman trades a lock of her blond hair for Taystee’s shea butt er in hopes of this chaotic drama ending. Taystee wears the blond lock of hair with confidence, as she was looking for a new hairstyle. Taystee’s character is one that a lot of young troubled girls can relate to. She has been in and out of the system all her life. She was put into foster care at birth and remained a ward of the court until she was 16. She met a woman name â€Å"Vee† who was a notorious drug dealer. Taystee always wanted a mother figure in her life and Vee was the closes thing to that. Taystee wasn’t free from the foster system for too long as she ended up in juvenile hall then prison. It is clear that the writers wanted to emphasized the fact that Taystee prefers the system structure rather than freedom. But quite frankly that’s all she’s known. With such a hectic life all she wants is to settle down and find a purpose in life like the rest of us. In prison she has her life set as she is the librarian and has a best friend to always rely on. Things were fine in her life th en boom! The writers wanted to make her life more upsetting. As Taystee loses her friend to a murder committed by an authority figure. It looked like no one would be getting charged for this crime, Of course no one would be charged, right? Have you seen today’s society! Emotions run high within her circle of friends. One particular friend, who has mental health issues, takes it to the heart. At this point everything’s going haywire in the script! â€Å"Crazy Eyes† aka Suzanne is her name. Many characters in the story show signs of mental illness. This is an actual problem in our system. Many prisoners should belong in treatment facilities to get the actual help they need. Orange Is The New Black definitely shows the reality of these issues. The actor Uzo Aduba who plays Suzanne does an amazing job at getting every little detail right. Suzanne is one of the main characters who portrays an inmate that is very intelligent but lacks in social skills and can burst out with emotion at any second. She hits herself on the head when she thinks she’s done something wrong while repeatedly saying â€Å"stupid†. Her antipsychotic medication helps her but only to an extent. Her mentality is that of a six-year-old, which is what landed her in prison. With prison going wild, Suzanne is put in a terrifying position by a guard who tried to make her fight another inmate. This scene is intense while Suzanne is going insane trying to control her emotions. And the outcome is not pretty. Suzanne gets involved when a murder takes place resolving from this situation. She doesn’t tell anyone in fear of having the blame put on her. But can she keep it in for long? She’s slowly losing her mind from not taking her medication that cannot be provided to her due to the fact that there is a huge riot going on. She is left with trauma, not knowing what the future holds. It makes you wonder if this really goes on in there. Do guards really abuse those that are mentally unstable for their own satisfaction? Because a lot of abuse goes on in this show. With all of the sex, drugs, riots and drama going on, it’s no wonder why this became such an instant hit on Netflix. But what Piper Kerman wanted from this experience is to be some sort of advocate for woman’s prison. With woman being a fast-growing population of the prison system, a majority of the female inmates are being mistreated. Using her privilege to bring some light to the prisons poor conditions such as; not giving the right supplies to woman and shackling up the new mothers-to-be during labor and delivery. I don’t think Piper’s voice is loud enough to be heard, but it’s a start. Sad news about this story is that it will be coming to an end. Season 7 will be its final premier in 2019 after running its course for 6 years. Chapman, Taystee, and Suzanne have a complete new twist in the upcoming season that will change their lives forever. Will you be watching it? work cited: By: Gwynne Watkins June 5, 2014 By: Monifa Bandele October 23, 2017 By: Myles McNutt July 27, 2018

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Hunger in Haiti Essay Essays

Hunger in Haiti Essay Essays Hunger in Haiti Essay Essay Hunger in Haiti Essay Essay Abstraction Haiti is a little Caribbean state with serious hungriness job for many old ages. Even in 1980s. Haiti had advanced agribusiness and hungriness job was far from this state. However. the local wars and struggles happened in 1990s changed this. Agribusiness was disturbed and hunger job became more and more serious. It has been the cardinal job of Haitian development so Haitian authorities and international society have taken tonss of steps to better this state of affairs. The major international supports were from the US and some EU states. Plenty of informations and studies show that hunger population in Haiti has been reduced a batch. Haiti will be most likely to accomplish the Millennium Development Goal pronounced in 2000 by 2015. Hunger: the key job in Haitian developmentâ€Å" Civilization as it is known today could non hold evolved. nor can it last. without an equal nutrient supply† ( Borlaug. 1970 ) . However. the hungriness job troubles a one-fourth of the world’s population even in these old ages. The job of universe hungriness is serious and has affected economic development in many states. It is common cognition that nutrient is the first necessity of people. but to work out the job of feeding a population of about 6. 5 billion is a large challenge to the universe. Lindsay ( 2008 ) studies that nutrient is in short supply every twelvemonth because there is non plenty to fulfill people’s demand in the destitute states. However. nutrient security is the footing of the societal development in the universe. It is rather clear that a hungry state can non do great attempts to develop the economic system and better the life criterions of its people. For illustration. during the 3 old ages from 1959 to 1961. because of the nutrient defici t. China was wavering. virtually at a deadlock. and there was small economic growing and non much of a rise in the criterion of life. Therefore. work outing hungriness job is critical for universe but there are still many jobs demanding prompt solution in nutrient supplies in the universe. particularly in some less-developed states like Haiti. The Millennium Development Goal ( MDG ) pronounced by the United Nations in 2000 called for the proportion of people who suffer from hungriness to be halved by 2015. This paper will discourse Haiti’s battle to cut down hungriness and explicate why this state can likely run into the MDG by 2015. Although many developing states experience hungriness jobs. Haiti’s nutrient crisis shows the relationship between nutrient and societal stableness. This state has suffered from an highly serious nutrient crisis these old ages. Plunkett ( 2000 ) studies that agribusiness accounted for 30 % of Haiti’s GDP. using two tierces of Haitian people before 1980s. However. after the armed struggles between Haitian opposing political cabals happened in 1990s. agribusiness was disrupted and hunger job became both a rural and an urban phenomenon in Haiti. More than half of entire population suffered from hungriness and the per centum of rural population was higher. about 65 % of people populating in countryside didn’t have adequate nutrient. Children were the population most hurt by this long-run and intractable job. One in three Haitian kids suffered malnutrition and one in eight died before the age of five as a consequence ( Plunkett. 2000 ) . It was a daze that so serious the Haitian hungriness job was before the new century. Because of its nutrient crisis. Haiti’s societal stableness has been badly affected. Harmonizing to Gauthier ( 2008 ) . public violences have happened all over Haiti in past old ages and many people died in hunger-related public violences. Another study shows that a peaceable presentation turned into a violent incident in Port-au-Prince. the capital metropolis of Haiti ( Chatterjee. 2008 ) . Clearly. Haitian people have stored up discontent against their authorities due to the nutrient insecurity. At the same clip. unstable societal order and lawlessness soberly undermined Haiti’s economic system. which came to a deadlock. Harmonizing to Plunkett ( 2000 ) . the hungriness job caused depression in the market and the closing of industrial and commercial endeavors prevalent in 1990s in Haiti. The factors which caused this crisis are multiple. It is necessary to analyse the complicated factors before taking any steps to work out this job and aid Haiti achieve the MDG by 201 5. The long-run local wars at the terminal of last century had unfavourable impacts on grain production in Haiti so that the domestic supply of nutrient fell abruptly of demand. The lessening of rice production after wars besides caused Haitian people’s lower income straight so more than three quarters of the rural population lived below the poorness line by 2000. There was a dramatic addition in monetary value of stable nutrient and this caused devaluation in Haiti. To a certain extent. Haitian people’s purchase ability decreases because of their remarkably little income and the high nutrient monetary value. so they can non purchase plenty nutrient ( Gauthier. 2008 ) . Chatterjee ( 2008 ) points out that the inexpensive rice imported from the USA caused Haitian national rice production to plump. Because of advanced agricultural engineering. American rice has many advantages such as lower monetary value and higher nutrition. Large measures nutrient imports from the US in 1 990s after Haitian civil wars helped people have more nutrient but besides limited the national agribusiness growing in Haiti. Besides these. harmonizing to Gauthier ( 2008 ) . the increasing demand of nutrient by local people and decreases in rice imports because of financess burden these old ages are besides the factors that can non be ignored. In response to the challenges of the nutrient crisis. the Haitian authorities has spared no attempt to assist hungry people have enough to eat since 2000. Harmonizing to Gauthier ( 2008 ) . Haiti’s new authorities supports the modernisation of agricultural techniques and the Restoration of agricultural production. The authorities decides to open up more barren and the freshly reclaimed land is now conveying Forth big harvests. In state countries. authorities offers relief grain to the people who can non afford plenty nutrient ( Chatterjee. 2008 ) . The Haitian government’s attempts are effectual and have accomplished a batch but the authorities is short of financess to give hungry people support continually. so Haiti besides takes vigorous action to ad vance international cooperation in nutrient security. Chatterjee ( 2008 ) studies Haiti has late qualified for debt alleviation under the World Bank and International Monetary Fund’s Heavily Indebted Poor Country Initiative. and in the interim. many of Haiti’s creditor states. particularly some developed states. see a compassionate discharge because of Haitian domestic nutrient troubles. Apparently. international assistance plans from developed states and NGOs are of utmost importance to assist Haiti’s authorities. Harmonizing to Plunkett ( 2000 ) and Gauthier ( 2008 ) . Haitian nutrient crisis has improved significantly these old ages. the hungriness population has been reduced 32 % by 2007 and the good impulse is being maintained. To run into the MDG by 2015. attempts should be continued to win assistance plans from international organisations and developed states to assist Haitian people get equal nutrient in following old ages. Some international organisations such as the UN Food and Agriculture Organization can organize the world’s nutrient assistance to Haiti. But Haiti can non trust on foreign aid and they need to go autonomous in the hereafter. so the UN peacekeepers should play a bigger function in the societal stabilisation of Haiti so that a stable political can assist Haiti reconstruct its native agricultural production. Autonomy and autonomy are the cardinal ways to extinguish the hungriness job in Haiti. In decision. with the execution of different steps. an optimistic estimation suggests that the MDG will be achieved by 2015 in Haiti. Ample nutrient is the basic human right in this universe. The states all over the universe should fall in custodies to safeguard the nutrient security. MentionBorlaug. N. ( 1970 ) . The green revolution. peace and humanity. Nobel Lectures. The Nobel Peace Prize Institute. Retrieved on November 12. 2008 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1970/borlaug-lecture. html/ Chatterjee. P. ( 2008 ) . Haiti’s disregarded exigency. The Lancet. 372 ( 9639 ) . pp. 615 – 618. Retrieved on November 12. 2008. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. thelancet. com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736 ( 08 ) 61259-3/ Gauthier. A. ( 2008 ) . Food crisis in Haiti: exposing cardinal jobs in the procedure of stabilisation. FRIDE Comment. 782 ( 45 ) . pp. 34-38. Retrieved on November 12. 2008. from PAIS International database. Lindsay. R. ( 2008 ) . Haiti on the ‘Death Plan’ : Dissenters decry high nutrient monetary values and the barbarian cost of neoliberalism. The Nation. 286 ( 21 ) . pp. 22-24. Retrieved on November 12. 2008 from PAIS International database. Plunkett. D. ( 2 000 ) . Food security in Haiti: A instance survey comparing the nutrient security model of the Haitian authorities. the European Commission and the U. S. Agency for International Development. Retrieved on November 12. 2008 from hypertext transfer protocol: //pdf. usaid. gov/pdf_docs/PNACH663. pdf/

Monday, November 4, 2019

Administration of justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Administration of justice - Essay Example This scenario deals with a case of arrest under securities fraud, of Michael Pickens, son of the multi-billionaire oil investor T. Boone Pickens, arguably one of the richest persons in the United States of America Michael pleaded guilty and was arrested and charged with securities fraud, having masterminded a major scam to induce investors, through trickery and deception, to buy shares in stocks, such that when their markets turned bullish, the perpetrators of this fraud could sell the stocks for lucrative profits. As a matter of fact, the parties involved in this bogus e-mail fraud had netted $400,000 as profits. However, coming back to Michael Pickens, he has a long history of substance abuse and drug addiction, and has already spent more nearly one and half years, at drug treatment and rehabilitation. The critical question that now arises is what kind of penal, deterrent and/or rehab sentence should be served by the criminal justice delivery system, in the case of Michael Pickens and why should such recourse be chosen. Besides, the goals and objectives of the sentence would also need to be discussed in terms of its potential effectiveness and ability to reform this trickster through integration into mainstream society. 1. Rehabilitation Perspective: According to this view the justice system is a large institution that provides correctional faculties to criminals and law breakers. From this perspective, criminals are not merely seen as scheming, manipulative individuals who mastermind their crimes out of greed, or vendetta. Instead, they are viewed as victims of their circumstances or as being deceived by the society. Thus, in this context, rather than highlighting their crimes and its various ramifications and implications, rehabilitation specialists focus on criminals as individuals, their needs and aspirations, as well as factors that what prompted them to commit the crimes. Thus, they give consideration to what could be possibly done to help rehabilitate such individuals back into the mainstream society. â€Å"Rather than focus on the victim, as the crime control people do, rehabilitation people focus on the criminal: their needs, how can they be helped, and what treatment suits their individual behavior problems† (Worrall, n.d). Perhaps the rehabilitation treatment model, far from being punitive or disciplinary, seeks to enforce effective measures into the justice delivery system, which could aid in diagnosing, treating, monitoring and following up of cases so as to achieve remedial or curative measures for the ‘patient’. The policies of correcting and rehabilitating substance abusers underpin the activities of The California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility (CSATF). This facility, with its treatment capacity of 1,428, is presently the largest-in-prison TC in the state besides being one of the biggest in any US prison. 2. Crime control Perspective: To a large extent, the crime control perspective is an anti th esis of the rehabilitative viewpoint, in that it advocates stronger, stricter and more stringent laws and measures against criminals and lawbreakers, actual and potential. This theory adopts a viewpoint that by strengthening and reinforcing policing techniques, like putting more law enforcement personnel on the job, crime rates could be effectively reduced and also better controls and monitoring could be achieved. Besides, better policing infrastructure could help reduce the incidence and regularity of crimes, especially in heavy crime zones. Coming to the current policies, it is seen that more than 30 States in this country have implemented laws, which require a compulsory sentence of a specific period for particular kinds of crimes. Most are directed at drug offenders or those people charged with violent crimes and forbid them from being

Friday, November 1, 2019

Britvic plcs 2011 annual report,1)Critically evaluate the information Essay

Britvic plcs 2011 annual report,1)Critically evaluate the information contained in the Chairmans Statement - Essay Example According to his statement and the financial report, the company has made a record of both revenue and volume growth in 2011 in the international market (Gibson 201). This growth is evident in the French and an international territory which contributes to the company’s overall growth of about 4.3%. This growth brings the company to the current 138.1 million Euros. The statement indicates that there was a growth of revenue for Britvic in the year 2011 to 14.6%. That means that the current revenue position in the company according to its financial statement is 1.3 billion Euros. The chairman’s stamen indicates the underlying revenue excluding that of the French territory in the previous financial year. It was a notable achievement for the company given the situation of the cost of raw materials. Their cost was high in this particular year, but Britvic recorded high revenue. The chairman also congratulates the company on its progress quoting that there was a weaker consumer environment in comparison to the previous years. The GB revenue of the company in 201 was 2.7 %, which indicates a growth of 11.3 % from the previous two years. There is an association between growth and the strong carbonates performance of the company (Gibson 2010). The chairman’s report attributes the continued success of the company to its strategy of supply chains, distribution channels and innovation. His statement also indicates of the company’s strategy of business efficiency as being one of the contributors to its success. Britvic also operates in Ireland, though operations in this region have been difficult. In 2011, the company was able to launch new brands in the market like juicy drench and Mountain Dew. The two brands have been a success in the market because consumers are purchasing them. Difficult macro trading conditions in the market led to a decline in revenue by 9.6 % (Gibson, 2010). The chairman explains how the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Compare and contrast the objectives of financial statements as Essay

Compare and contrast the objectives of financial statements as outlined by the Companies Act and Conceptual Framework - Essay Example There are many similarities between the Companies Act and the Conceptual framework. Both the Companies Act and the Conceptual Framework enumerate the responsibilities of the board of directors to the general public. Both the Companies Act and the Conceptual Framework enumerate the responsibilities of the board of directors to the general public. Both the Companies Act and the Conceptual Framework enumerate the responsibilities of the board of directors to the general public. Second, Both the Companies Act and the Conceptual Framework that enumerate the responsibilities of the board of directors to the general public makes it a MUST that the preparation of financial statements will foster a closer relationship between suppliers, customers and the other users of the financial statements. Next, Both the Companies Act and the Conceptual Framework that enumerate the responsibilities of the board of directors to the general public makes it a MUST that the preparation of financial statement s to determine if the company has not violated any environmental laws of the land. Both the Companies Act and the Conceptual Framework state that the company must suffer the consequences of their decisions that violate the laws of the land. Furthermore, the focus of both the Companies Act and the conceptual framework is to use independent judgment in the preparation of financial statements.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Example Proposal Essay Example for Free

Example Proposal Essay I have heard that Batangas City Council will be having a Scout Jamboree in the celebration of Scouting Month. In relation to this I would like to bring it to your notice that our Philip’s Sanctuary is an eco-recreation farm, perfect for team building activities, picnics, retreats, company outings, school field trips, parties and more! We have alternative forms of outdoor activities that stimulate the mind, body and spirit amidst a landscape of natural and man-made resources. Activities include team building games, orienteering, wall climbing, mountain trekking, outdoor skills training, outdoor cooking and jungle survival. It is home to nature lovers, and of adventure sports enthusiasts such as mountain bikers, hikers, trekkers, campers, mountaineers, and many more. Phillip’s Sanctuary boasts of obstacle courses that include the high ropes course, low ropes course, zip lines, hanging bridge, mud crawl, wall climbing, tight rope walk, river log balance, tarzan jump and many more. As a background Boy Scout of the Philippines vision of becoming the â€Å"leading provider of progressive outdoor based non-formal education for young Filipino males with the view of developing them to be morally straight, disciplined, concerned, self-reliant citizens in the best tradition of world scouting†, the BSP has set out to instill in Scouts and Scouters love of God, country, and fellowmen, prepare the youth for responsible leadership, and contribute to nation-building, according to the ideals, principles, and programs of Scouting. The BSP has promoted the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, trained them in Scout craft, and taught them patriotism, courage, self-reliance. Participation in Boy Scouting means enjoying a lot of things together with other scouts. Scouting provides great adventure in outdoor learning. It designs activities that bring about the development of skills that will turn boys into dependable and self-reliant men. Lord Baden Powell, the founder of scouting said that â€Å"a scout is one who thoroughly trains himself in scout craft and places that training at the disposal of the community for public service.† The badges they wear are symbols, which say that they will continue to build and to keep friendship, give happiness to others with their daily good deeds, and live the ideals of the Scout Oath and Law. Scouts grow up to be upright and respectable citizens of the community and of the country. Philip Sanctuary can include facilitator in the package or you may bring your own facilitator. Attached in this letter are the package rates; day rates and the overnight rates. DAY RATES Day Package A: Day Tour no meals – P550.00/pax * Entrance fees and use of all common areas including swimming pool * Use of teambuilding facilities * Use of rafting/boating lagoon * Use of team challenge/low ropes course/obstacle course, hanging bridge * Use of all trails for biking, hiking, trekking * Day activity program * Facilitator’s Fee Day Package B: Day Tour with plated lunch and 2 snacks – P800.00/pax * All of package A inclusions plus plated lunch, AM Snack and PM Snack Day Package C: Day Tour with buffet lunch and 2 snacks – P950.00/pax * All of package A inclusions plus buffet lunch, AM Snack and PM Snack OVERNIGHT RATES Overnight Package A: Overnight Stay only – P800.00/pax * Entrance fees and use of all common areas including swimming pool * Overnight accommodations (dormitory style, no aircon) * Use of teambuilding facilities * Use of rafting/boating lagoon * Use of team challenge/low ropes course/obstacle course, hanging bridge * Use of all trails for biking, hiking, trekking * Day activity program * Facilitator’s Fee Overnight Package B: Overnight Stay with plated meals – P1,300.00/ * All of package A inclusions with plated lunch, dinner and breakfast and 2 snacks Overnight Package C: Overnight Stay with buffet meals – P1,700.00/pax * All of package A inclusions with buffet lunch, dinner and breakfast and 2 snacks In addition to our team building package, you may also be interested in the ff adventure bundles that you can do during your visit. Must be arranged and paid upon booking. Adventure Bundles Bundle A Basic Adventure P100/person -Round Trip Zipline -Use of mud slide Bundle B Advanced Adventure P200/person -Round Trip Zipline -Use of High Ropes Course Bundle C- Extreme Adventure P220/person -Round Trip Zipline -Use of High Ropes Course -Use of Mud Slide We hope that you will merit our proposal. We promise you an experience of learning, fun and adventure you won’t forget!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Night :: essays research papers

Night Religion has always explained the unknown in knowable terms. It has created symbols for that which could not be known. This symbolism is so deeply imbedded in our minds, cultures, and cosmology that it is rarely questioned from inside the religious paradigms. From outside that paradigm, the religious imagery loses its impact, its subliminal meaning. Religion functions to relieve the anxiety of the absolute fact for each of us that we will die, that our family will die, that our friends will die. Religion promises us that although we may die, we will continue. And, if we believe, then our afterlife will be glorious. Spirituality offers another perspective to this 'man-made' solution. The spiritualistic belief is that of love for the fellow man instead of god; hospitals instead of churches; deeds done rather than prayers said. Spirituality, although bordering on atheism, seeks to understand and love, to find an ethical way of life rather than turning to a higher being for the easy way out. In "Night" by Elie Wiesel we see death of religion in a child because of absolute evil and consequently, the embrace of spirituality. Separated from man made institutions, the core of religion and spirituality must be preserved, if one is to survive in the midst of horror. The Jewish religion was a key motivation to the citizens of Sighet. To Jews religion is not only a method to achieve immortality, but a way of life that must be holistically embraced. This all-consuming religion demands total obedience and is a key motivation in the Jewish deportation and personal surrender to Germany . Analyzing history, one sees the pattern of a Jewish nomad lifestyle ,so deep is their faith, and moving on. "Night" is the first episode where this blind faith could not save them. Spawning from this failure of God is the genocide of millions at the hands of the Nazis. As young Eliezer visits Auschwitz and witnesses this genocide first hand, his blind faith is quickly revoked and in its place remains doubt, question and bitterness. "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into a wreath of smoke beneath a silent blue sky.