Sunday, December 29, 2019

Analysis Of The Poem Second Child And Maria Branswell ...

Biographical Summary One April 21, 1816 Patrick Bronte’s third child and Maria Branswell’s sixth child was born in Thornton, Yorkshire in England. Shortly after her birth, the Bronte-Branswell family moved to another part of Yorkshire known as Haworth so her father had been given the opportunity of being perpetual curate to the S., Michael and All Angels Church. However while in Haworth, a deep tragedy stroke the family on September 15, 1821 when their loving mother had died of cancer. The family wasn’t fully abandoned for the sister of Maria, Elizabeth Branwell, had greatly helped Patrick on raising his five daughters, Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne. Along with their only son Patrick Branwell. Thinking his daughters would have a better education and life there, Patrick Bronte sent his daughters Charlotte, Emily, Maria and Elizabeth to a boarding school in Cowan Bridge known as the Clergy Daughters’ School. There the girls were very sad to be away from home and the school didn’t prove the best living spaces for their students. For the school had greatly impacted the health of all his daughters. Especially the health of Maria and Elizabeth that gotten tuberculosis the summer of 1825 and passed away. Soon after the death of his two daughters, Patrick decided to bring his remaining daughters, Charlotte and Emily, back home. There Charlotte and her siblings were home schooled so they were isolated from the world and only had themselve to

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Black On Black And Black Crime - 985 Words

Black on Black crime, has always existed, just like any other group that commits crimes among each other. Wouldn t it make sense that if black people live around other black people in black neighborhoods, that they would most likely kill other black people? Doesn t take a rocket scientist. Similar to how white people have a high rate of killing other whites because often, they live in, you guessed it, outside the hood, and inside their own white neighborhoods. The News continues to report that Black on Black crime is at an all time high, but how legit are the facts to this broadcasting, really? jim crowAlthough Media reports that blacks commit most of the violent crimes, the center that collects and research statistics shows in fact that black on black murder crimes has decreased significantly since the early 90 s and is in fact by great numbers below whites when it comes down to violent crimes being committed. The whole black on black crime is a political strategy, a gimmick and propaganda used by the Illuminati/Bohemian Media elites to control people thoughts using media mind control. Most people, whether White, Black, Asian and Latino all have an idea, a mindset of who a criminal is and usually always the stereotypes of a criminal is associated to Black People. In America, Black people are 30-40% more likely to be exploited by the New World Order Society through a wide range of media outlets;commercials, movies, shows, reality shows, and music internationally. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Black Of Black And Black Crime Essay1832 Words   |  8 PagesJanuary 2015, the police h ave shot and killed over 175 young black men ranging from ages 18-29; 24 of them were unarmed. On the flip side 172 young white men were killed, only 18 being unarmed. With these statistics there are similarities in the numbers but, blacks were killed at rates disproportional to their percentage of U.S population (1.Washington Post). Of all unarmed people shot and killed by police in 2015. With 40% being black men make up just 6% of the nation’s populations. In the wakeRead MoreThe Black Of Black Crimes881 Words   |  4 Pages Black crimes in America are caused solely by the actions of black people. The previous statement is said throughout both rural and urban American, and it is based off of uneducated and racist ideologies. The criminal actions of blacks are partly contributed to their own decision making, though the same holds true for criminals of all races. However, black people in America have the longest lasting and most destructive history of racism towards them in modern American history, and this has ledRead MoreEssay about Black on Black Crime928 Words   |  4 PagesBlack on black violence is an enormous problem in the African-American community. Living in a neighborhood that is mostly minority, many may have witnessed a lot of black on black violence. The black on black violence has continued to arise in many communities and continues to be a problem around the world. Black on black violence is ignorant, and many black Americans should be coming together instead of killing one another. A frican-Americans people should be helping each other achieve in the worldRead MoreA Black On Black Crimes Of The Tutsi And Tutsi Society968 Words   |  4 PagesYou know the severity of a problem with the black on black crimes of the Hutu and Tutsi society, when the opposite race has the authority to condemn the destruction of a civilization of similar African Americans. Take for instance in the movie Hotel Rwanda, the white character Pat Archer who is a health care worker. She is portrayed as a caring white woman who believes in equality and not division among people. In the film there is a scene where Paul asks her to go check on some refugee. She goesRead MoreCrimes Of The Black Policeman1074 Words   |  5 Pagescrimes. For example, Ricky and Tre drive away from the party on the street, and two crooked black and white policemen pull them over. The black policeman, Officer Coffey, has both Ricky and Tre step outside of the car, and proceeds to start questioning Tre. Tre quickl y pleads, â€Å"I didn’t do nothin’!† Officer Coffey retorts, â€Å"You think you tough?† He then pulls out his gun, points it at Ricky’s face, and sternly says: â€Å"Scared now, ain t you? I like that. That s why I took this job. I hate littleRead MoreAfrican Americans And Black Crime1462 Words   |  6 PagesI think African Americans families face in the 21st century is black on black crime. Just recently in the Brown vs Ferguson case African Americans properties were destroyed, vandalize, and burned after the verdict of officer Wilson not being indicted. I thought instead of the African Americans going against each other they should have showed more respect and honor for each other. The Micheal Brown case was a tragic loss to the black community, especially after the lost of Trayvon Martin having theRead MoreCrime Of Driving While Being Black1047 Words   |  5 Pagescrimes. For example, Ricky and Tre are driving away from a street party, an d two crooked black and white policemen pull them over. The black policeman, Officer Coffey, has both Ricky and Tre step outside of the car, and proceeds to start questioning Tre. Tre quickly pleads, â€Å"I didn’t do nothin’!† Officer Coffey replies, â€Å"You think you tough?† He then points his gun at Ricky’s face, and asked him, â€Å"Scared now, ain t you? I like that. That s why I took this job. I hate little motherfuckers like you†¦Read MoreBlack Collar Crimes And White Collar Crime1956 Words   |  8 Pageswhat white collar crime in its introduction. The paper will then explain the distinct types of white collar crimes, after that different case study’s will be presented from the book to give examples of the diverse types of white collar crimes. After that the paper will talk about the diverse ways to combat white collar crimes while also going over the challenges law enforcement face when fighting white collar crime. Finally, the author will give his conclusion on white collar crime. Read MoreWhite Power, Black Crime, And Racial Politics1511 Words   |  7 PagesWhite power, Black Crime, and Racial Politics Racial profiling has been in existence for many years. One defines racial profiling as a method law enforcement agencies use to determine whether a person may be a suspect of a criminal act. â€Å"Racial profiling and racial discrimination against blacks in criminal justice administration can date back into the late 1600’s.† (Staples 2011) This is when the court officials in Philadelphia authorized the police to take up any â€Å"Negro† seen â€Å"gadding about† withoutRead MoreBlack Collar Crime : White Collar1828 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction: Sometimes known as the ‘victimless’ crime, White Collar Crime includes crimes such as fraud, embezzlement and, more often than not, results in the criminal profiting money-wise which is one of the biggest lures into White Collar Crime (WCC). WCC, has become more and more easier and accessible as businesses move closer towards technology and further away from paper documents which makes it easier to commit WCC as, if you knew what you were doing, you could cover your tracks easier than

Friday, December 13, 2019

Shakespeares Development Of Power In Macbeth Essay Example For Students

Shakespeares Development Of Power In Macbeth Essay Macbeth is a very power greedy person. It is not necessarily his own doing that he is such a ruthless person. It all started (Macbeth being power greedy) with the Three Witches predictions: All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Glamis!/ All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of/ Cawdor!/ All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter. (1.3.50-54)As soon as Macbeth learned of his future, he began to scheme on just exactly how he would fulfill these prophecies. That is when he decided that he would have to murder Duncan to fulfill the last prophecy. But that is when he had a change or heart. The only problem with Macbeth deciding not to murder Duncan, is that all of a sudden Lady Macbeth became the power greedy one. This is when Lady Macbeths scheming began. Although Macbeth had changed his mind and basically refused to murder Duncan, Lady Macbeth was able to eventually convince him to carry through with the plan. Even though Macbeth was the one who executed the plan, Lady Macbeth was the mastermind behind the scheme. Her greed for power was the one major factor that possessed her to convince Macbeth of the plan and carry through with it. Macbeth murdered Duncan at Iverness, and became hysterical after doing so. As a result of Malcolm and Donalbains suspicions resulting in their departure to England and Ireland Macbeth became king: this was the ultimate power that he and Lady Macbeth had as their goal (well, actually it was more of Lady Macbeths goal), and now he eventually had received it. Nothing was going to take away this ultimate power from Macbeth, and he would do anything to keep it. Macbeths ruthlessness results in him ordering three murderers to murder his best friend, Banquo. The power of being king has taken over Macbeths life, and he is a victim of his own greed for power. He is a tyrant. Not only does Macbeth murder Banquo (not directly, of course), he also murders (actually he has people murder) Macbuffs family. Macbeth does not murder Macduff, but he does murder his wife, children, and servants. Macbeth can not stoop any lower than the level that he is currently at. Now, it is Malcolms turn to want the power of kingship. The reason that Malcolm desires to become king, is because he knows that Macbeth is a murderer and a tyrant. Malcolm feels confident that he will be a fair and just king. At the end of the play when Malcolm comes into kingship, he is a gentle and kind ruler already.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Contribute to Organization Development

Question: Discuss about theContribute to Organization Development. Answer: Introduction This report is framed with the aim to understand the significance of the online retail and retail outlets. This report identifies the different key personals and its responsibility. This report focuses on the stakeholders of the BizOps to identify the needs and competing demands. At the same time, this report examines the different communication strategy for the effective retail operations. This report is also helpful to understand the different milestones in the retail to achieve the sales goals. Finally, this report demonstrates the effective retail strategy in between the retail outlets and online retail. Development Plans Goals and Objectives Background BizOps is a retail firm who facilitates to provide the good quality and innovative retail goods and services to its customers. In the current environment, the company is operating the 150 retail outlets and online stores across the country. Simultaneously, BizOps is operated its operations in three locations such as Sydney, New South Wales, and Australia. Aims and Objective The aim of the company is to provide the green and sustainable solution to their customers through the effective innovative and quality products and services in order to retain the lead position in the retail industry (Pandey, 2016). Whereas, the objective of the BizOps is To achieve the annual growth by 15% in the upcoming five years through the new innovative products. The company wants to raise its profit by 15% through the effective technology and innovative products. The company aims to increase the sales turnover through the reinvest the 75% profits in the business development activities. Another objective of the company is to develop the coordination among the retail outlet and online sales. Market Development Plan BizOps aims to maintain its lead position in the retail industry as well as company plans to offer the new quality products for the customers in the given budget in order to meet out their needs and demands. As a result, it can be helpful for the company to gain the competitive advantage. Meanwhile, the company plans to provide the effective training to their employees that enable to increase the productivity of the company as well as financial performance (Chkanikova and Lehner, 2015). Simultaneously, the company provides the effective resources such as financial, physical and human that is helpful to support the BizOps development programs. Success Measures BizOps has a different success measure, which is discussed as below: The company is provided the new innovative and good quality retail products to its customers. The company is providing the green and sustainable solution to the customers. To implement the effective work practices in the business. Key Personals and their Roles Key personal are the top level management employees in an organization who handles the different operation departments. Therefore, there are different key roles in the organization that manages the different department in the organization and supports in the development plan of the company. Here identifies the key personal in the organization: Rose Hargreaves: is the chief executive officer who controls the overall departments of the company such as production, marketing, sales, operation, information technology, and research and innovation center. Mike Booth: is a director of the financial operations and its responsibility to handle the overall financial operations of the company such as company accounts, payroll, profit and loss statement, and income statement (Resnick, et al., 2014). Sean Bamford: is a managing director of the business operations and it has a responsibility to operate the overall retail business operations such as day to day operation activities in order to generate the more profit as well as it also handles the IT, project operations. Sayo Yoshida: is the managing director who handles the human resource department and it has a responsibility to manage the recruitment, selection, compensation and benefits, compliance, and grievance issues. Nancy Tooket: Nancy is the retail director and it handles all retail operations such as customer service, sales portfolio, design, production, and advertising. List of Stakeholders A stakeholder is a person, group or organization that has directly or indirectly interest in the company activities. Consequently, it affects the company policy, objectives and decision making related to the business operations (Needham, et al., 2012). Stakeholders are significant to build the trust in the customers and it enhances the product transparency in order to take the effective decision. There are different stakeholders in the BizOps such as employees, government, creditors, suppliers, shareholders, and customers. Stakeholders Consultation and Communication Strategy Stakeholder Consultation Stakeholder consultation is the person who maintains the long-term relations in the organization for the long term benefit of the firm. Concurrently, it identifies the future trends in the business, which impact on the business performance. Similarly, it also helps in future collaboration and partnership in the business (sterle, et al., 2015). As a result, the company takes the effective decision making and effective implement the strategy through the stakeholders consultation. Communication Strategies BizOps is adopting the different business strategy for enlarging its retail operations. Here identifies the different strategies such as: Marketing Strategy The marketing strategy of the company is to organize the loyalty reward programs for its customers, which is helpful for the firm to retain more customers and builds the effective relationship. Similarly, the company organizes the fair trade competition that helps to increase the feasibility of the firm products. Thus, BizOps gains the competitive advantage as compared to other competitors, which enables to raise the stakeholders value. At the same time, Company has launched the e-commerce website as to increase the communication between the online retail sales and retail outlets consequently, it is convenient for the customers. The company more emphasize on the customer service through the effective distribution channel and new technology products (Ryu, 2013). Online Retail Strategy BizOps increases its online retail presence of their products and service in order to increase the sales performance. As a result, online retail presence can helpful to raise the profitability of the firm; consequently, it is quite helpful to enhance the shareholder's return. Moreover, the company also provides the online catalogs that enable to increase the product feasibility of the company products as well as it helps to retain more customer sales (Cao, 2014). Concurrently, through online shopping, a customer can easily compare the prices of different products. Although, the company should comply the data protection act in terms of customers and taxation act of the country. Apart from this, BizOps should identify the needs of the customer through different culture so that company can raise the online presence of its products, therefore; it increases the sales of the firm. Pricing Strategy BizOps is used the effective low pricing strategy for its customers, because company retains more customers as to gain the competitive advantage as compared to others. Low pricing strategy is significant to raise the retail operations consequently; the company retains the lead position in the retail industry (Varley, 2014). As a result, high profitability would increase the dividend for the shareholders. Simultaneously, the company maintains the low price strategy to their high-end customers also and it also helps to identify the needs of the customers. Direct Marketing Direct marketing is also an effective strategy for the company to raise its retail sales operations as well as the firm productivity. The company increases his sales through the new innovative and quality products among the existing customers. Meanwhile, the company participates in the trade fairs competition that enables to meet out the new retail trends are available for the customers. Distribution Strategy Effective distribution channel of the company gains the competitive advantage in the retail industry, because it provides the retail products through online and phone stores for the customers convenience. As a consequence, a large retail network can be helpful to save the time and cost of the firm, which is helpful to develop the positive relationship with the customers (Ryu, 2013). Instead of this, the company should analyze the problem skills effectively that enables to provide the effective decision making. Proposed Timeline Name of Activity Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Market research Integrate plan for retail outlet and online Pricing strategy Website and software development Hiring operator specialized Feasibility study of ideas Managing financial and human resources Carry out regulatory requirements Above timeline, chart provides the different guideline related to milestone tasks. For this, the report is more significant. Conclusion From the above report, it can be summarized that BizOps has provided the new innovative and quality products to its customers, which can be helpful to retain the lead position in the retail industry. Whereas, an effective resource like financial and physical enables to support the company development plans. At the same time, key personal of the company has operated the different departments such as finance, HR, and operation to accomplish the goal effectively. Simultaneously, different communication strategy like low price, online, and marketing that are helpful to raise the business opportunity and sales. As a result, it can be said that the company easily achieves the target of annual growth sales by 15% through effective strategy and innovated products. References Pandey, A. K. (2016) Current Human Resource Management Practices in Organized Retail Outlets,The International Journal of Business Management,4(3), pp. 100. Chkanikova, O. and Lehner, M. (2015) Private eco-brands and green market development: towards new forms of sustainability governance in the food retailing,Journal of Cleaner Production,107, pp. 74-84. Resnick, S., Foster, C. and Woodall, T. (2014) Exploring the UK high street retail experience: is the service encounter still valued?,International Journal of Retail Distribution Management,42(9), pp. 839-859. Needham, D. M., Davidson, J., Cohen, H., Hopkins, R. O., Weinert, C., Wunsch, H. and Brady, S. L. (2012) Improving long-term outcomes after discharge from intensive care unit: report from a stakeholders' conference, Critical care medicine,40(2), pp. 502-509. sterle, I., Aditjandra, P. T., Vaghi, C., Grea, G. and Zunder, T. H. (2015) The role of a structured stakeholder consultation process within the establishment of a sustainable urban supply chain, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,20(3), pp. 284-299. Ryu, J. S. (2013) Mobile marketing communications in the retail environment: a comparison of QR code users and non-users,International Journal of Mobile Marketing,8(2), pp. 19-29. Cao, L. (2014) Business model transformation in moving to a cross-channel retail strategy: a case study,International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 18(4), pp. 69-96. Varley, R. (2014)Retail product management: buying and merchandising. UK: Routledge.