Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Intro to Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intro to Art - Essay Example Claude Monet belonged to the Impressionist genre of artists who aimed to preserve â€Å"the visual freshness of the first fleeting moment† (Heinrich 32) of a scene. In his portrayal, the artist did not categorise or differentiate the various objects in the scene through traditional artistic principles. Monet’s subject matter on canvas were the first impressions of a scene, composed of â€Å"blocks of colours, surface patterns, and the very air as defined by light† (Heinrich 32). The artist termed his concept as l’instantaneite, and made it his life’s work. However, he experienced despair at times, due to the unresolvable contradiction that is inherent in the aim to preserve permanently the passing moment. Boulevard des Capucines (Fig.1 below) is a distinctive portrayal of the busy Paris boulevard from an aerial perspective, viewed through the cold and damp air of winter (Nelson-Atkins, 2008). The painting portrays crowds hurrying along the pavement, and has the â€Å"blurred schematic look of an early photograph† (Ruhrberg et al 7). The brushwork of all Impressionist paintings contributed to their looking like early photographs which had a coarse-grained texture. Further, Impressionist paintings emphasized light effects in the scene; and this is evident in Monet’s flickering representation of haze and light using vibrant dabs of paint for the snow-covered ground, the people and the background images. This is supported by Forgione (p.671) who believes that in this painting human bodies look hazy, distorted, and are â€Å"reflective surfaces whose integrity is compromised by penetrating atmospheric vibrations†. Other typically impressionist features of the painting are the blue shadows and the depiction of pedestrians using bold, individual brush strokes. The forms are made to appear blurred in order to represent motion with people walking briskly in the cold air. Nelson-Atkins (2008) reiterates that Monet depicted the elusive quality of movement with

Monday, February 10, 2020

Steamboal Bill, Jr Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Steamboal Bill, Jr - Essay Example An analysis of the film will address themes, sound tracts, and effectiveness to the audience. The plot of the movie begins with the arrival of a new steamer in the river junction. The owner of the new steamer is J.J. King (Wickstrà ¶m). He is shown being happy with other captains of the ship waiting for its arrival. On the other hand, Steam Boat Bill is shown with his mate Tom Lewis in the old steamer (Wickstrà ¶m). Bill is shown annoyed because of the new steamer, as he perceives it as a business rivalry. King is depicted as a wealthy business with some few banks and hotels under his name (Wickstrà ¶m). King notes of the old steamer as a floating ‘thing’ (Wickstrà ¶m). Bill also receives a telegram of his impending son visit. They go with his mate to get the son at the railway station. They both expect a well-built man. However, the contrary happens, as the son appears small and dressed in a funny way. This makes his father begin a journey of his transformation in a new life. At the same time, King Daughter (Marion Byron) arrives from school (Wickstrà ¶m). Both Bill and King get annoyed as they realize that both Willie and Byron were lovers. They engage in a journey of ensuring that the relationship does not exist. On the other hand, Stonewall Jackson is condemned from public safety committee from carrying out transactions (Wickstrà ¶m). This annoys Bill who confronts J.J. King. The confrontation lands Bill to jail. The son tries to rescue him without any success. In the end, Willie is shown saving father, Marion Byron, and King from ravaging weather (Wickstrà ¶m). He ends up being a hero in the film despite his initial weaknesses. The theme of the film appears as that of transformation. This has been well articulated and developed by the main characters in the play. For example, Willie is shown as a weak character in the railway station. The father and his mate Tom Lewis are ashamed of Willie as he