Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Odum free essay sample

?1. Odum was one of the founders of ecological science. Research the web and look up Odums system for modeling energy flow in various systems. Do you think this shorthand is useful? â€Å"Emergy is an expression of all the energy and material resources used in the work processes that generate a product or service, calculated in units of one form of energy. † The original methods of measuring energy didn’t include different energy forms such as sunlight, electricity, fuel, etc. Odum’s method states the measurement of an object can be determined by the energy and matter to produce it. So he tested sunlight in his method because nothing had anymore pure energy than sunlight. I believe that shorthand isn’t very useful. When Odum spoke of Emergy, he was speaking on energy measures of the past which are completely different from now. In my opinion, if energy evolves then the calculations Odum designed in the past won’t work with the new form of energy. Image, http://www. mnforsustain. org/energy_ecology_economics_odum_ht_1973. htm By EB Editorial / Raphael Valyi, Emergy Simulator: new free emergy modeling software released. http://www. energybulletin. net/stories/2004-09-28/emergy-simulator-new-free-emergy-modelling-software-released 2. Are you absolutely sure you want to delete this article? This process cannot be undone and is permanent. 3. Yes, Delete This Article 4. Are you absolutely sure you want to remove this article? This process cannot be undone and is permanent. 5. Yes, Remove This Article 2. If global warming is indeed in progress (and living in Texas it looks that way to me! ), what do you think will be the overall effect on the worlds ecology? Depending on your location, global warming can have many effects on ecology. â€Å"Several species, including marmots, chipmunks, and brown bears, have all been seen to either reduce their hibernation period or not hibernate at all. This can cause starvation and, possibly, increased numbers of some animals being eaten by predators. † For example, increase number of insects in warmer areas which can kill plants and spread diseases. Flooding is another effect of global warming in the Artic areas or countries that are predominantly made of snow and ice. Florida has some areas where sea level has risen and will continue to rise if global warming continues and the effects from this will be land that is completely swallowed by water. Also, increasing water temperatures gives off more carbon dioxide which effects sea life and that links to our food supply in seafood. Soon lakes, ponds, rivers and streams will dry up and freshwater fish will become extinct and many animals would die due to lack of food and climate changes. The world will be disastrous if global warming continues and one of the biggest problems is gas emissions. â€Å"The study of disease ecology has been a special area of research at NCEAS, particularly with respect to predicting disease dynamics under climate change scenarios. Similarly, NCEAS research has included a significant evaluation of marine concerns related to climate change. † Global warming effects may kill off hibernating animals. http://www. environmentalgraffiti. com/ecology/global-warming-effects-may-kill-off-hibernating-animals/765#XQ0RL1YGCueBLTJD. 99 Ecological Effects of Climate Change. http://www. nceas. ucsb. edu/ecology/climate 3. What is a biome? Describe the one in which you live. â€Å"A biome is a geographical area that is very large in size. † In Washington, DC we have a temperate deciduous forest biome. â€Å"The temperate deciduous forest biome is an area that is very cool and rainy most of the time. In the fall the leaves will fall off of the trees. The following spring they will emerge again. During the summer months the temperature will range from 75 to 86 degrees. † Mostly we get large amount of precipitation yearly, due to global warming our summers are hotter than normal and in the winter we have artic like temperatures. Biome definition. http://bioexpedition. com/biomes/ http://bioexpedition. com/temperate-deciduous-forest-biome/ 4. Explain Koeppens Climate Classification. Koeppen’s Climate Classification is a â€Å"system that uses monthly precipitation and temperature data and total annual precipitation data to classify a locations climate into categories. † According to the vegetation types connected in that area, this is how temperatures and precipitation is determined. Koeppen’s Climate Classification is divided into six groups which are: A. Tropical rainy climates with temps higher than 18 degrees Celsius in the cold months B. Arid climates C. Warm, temperate, rainy climates with temps between 3-18 degrees Celsius in the cold months D. Rainy climates with temps below -3 degrees Celsius in the cold month E. Tundra with temps 0-10 degrees Celsius in the warmest month F. Permanent frost and ice with temps below 0 in the warmest month â€Å"The first letter is followed by two more letters that further define the climate of that region. The second letter represents and explains the dry season: whether there is or isnt a dry season, whether it is a short or long dry season, and what season it comes in either a dry winter or a dry summer. The third letter defines the temperature of different seasons either a hot or cool summer or a cold or warm winter. † The Koeppen Climate Classification and its Purpose. http://www. 123helpme. com/view. asp? id=58929 Koeppen Climate Classification Definition. http://geography. geography-dictionary. org/Physical-Geography-Dictionary/K%C3%B6ppen_Climate_Classification 5. And, finally, consider that you are a noted biologist who has been asked to create a hypothesis related to testing the reality of global warming and climate change. How would you go about this task? Who would you consult? What data might you examine? If I was a biologist and was asked to create a hypothesis on global warming, I would start off by viewing records and information in specific areas and compare those records to current records and make my hypothesis from those findings. I would then spend time in certain areas to do some recording keeping and research in climate change over a period. I would consult with other scientist who has also studied global warming and climate change and analyze their theory and create my own ideas from their research. I would also consult with the EPA and retrieve some of their information and research from a certain period and compare them to my own personal observations. The data I’ll be looking for would be the increase in temperature and weather over a region or specific areas where I am doing the research. I would also factor in the events that the country was going through at the time the records were being recorded. For example, the oil spill in the gulf created a major disaster and many species

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