Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Time Management Application Essay - 1538 Words

10 Time Management Apps Extension You Must Start Using Most of us need the Internet to get things done. We browse to finish our school assignments or we use the Internet to perform work tasks. Even some of our household tasks from shopping for groceries and finding a plumber take place online. But the Internet is not just a source of knowledge – it’s also an entertaining place with online games, social media and other such attractions and distractions to keep us busy. Most of the time, you go online to get something important done, only to find yourself looking at cat videos on YouTube. It would be great to have some kind of tool to help you stay focused when browsing the web. You could actually get things done much quicker, stay more†¦show more content†¦The great thing about the app is that you can use it on your desktop but also install it on your mobile browser. The free version of the app will help you track the time you spend online. You will see exactly how much time you are spending on any given site or even web application. You’re not just able to see the time you waste on any given site. You can also set goals on how long or little time you wish to actually spend on the site. This can be helpful tool in monitoring your time online. You’ll then be able to receive alerts as you’re getting closer to spending your desired limit. If you want, you can use RescueTime to block certain websites to ensure you don’t suddenly find yourself wasting time on a specific site. 3. Forest If spending too much time on your mobile phone is the problem, Forest will come to the rescue. The premium app is available for iOS, Android and Windows phones and devices. There is also an extension for Chrome and Firefox if you want to take your forestry to the desktop as well. How does Forest work? The idea is simple: you plant a tree when you want to work. When you are working, your tree will continue to grow and soon you might have a lot of trees. But as soon as you leave the app and therefore, stop working, the tree will die. It sounds simple and perhaps slightly odd but it works like a charm. 4. Cold Turkey The desktop extension for Internet browser comes with plenty of features that will help you stay productive. With Cold Turkey,Show MoreRelatedTaylors Scientific Theory1464 Words   |  6 PagesIRHR1001 Essay 1 – Taylor s theory and the implication for contemporary management practice Taylor s Theory was developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor, it was mainly associated with Scientific Management. 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